
We've been starting to feel like an unintentional third party to the Deadmau5 versus the world debacle


Using Twitter to give himself unadulterated air time, Mau5's Bieber-Skrillex-Diplo grievances have made up a month of love-to-hate conversations about the validity of "Where Are Ü Now".

Chucking a toys out the pram parody entitled 'where im at', he begins what has been a predominantly one sided tirade by taking a thinly veiled snatch of the track's instrumental and replacing Bieber's lyrics with what sounds like a 6 year old's practice recorder.




You can almost picture a faint chuckle emerging from under the mask as Deadmau5 hits the Soundcloud upload button.

A gentleman must protect himself from attacks of spite, so in a subtle but no doubt jugular aimed retaliation, Skrillex goes on to call his previous mentor an asshole, live on a radio show hosted by someone called 'Shoboy'.



Spatting should have stopped here, but keen to prove that he's a man not a Mau5, the butt hurt DJ fired of a series of less than subtle tweets.



Neither of Jack Ü's representatives came forward in retaliation, like a bi product of both Diplo and Skrillex feeling too smug to care. They were also probably too busy filming this interview with the New York Times, one of the world's leading publications, about the making of the track.

An eight minute investigation into the making of the track, the video is one of the most credible explorations of EDM to date. It's a well produced, serious documentation of a track that has made critics turn their heads in a way Deadmau5 has failed to do, and it's only given Mau5 another opportunity to rise up and bite the bait.

Picking apart an (albeit incredibly silly sounding) quote from Bieber where he refers to sounds as being "expensive", Deadmau5 goes on to fire off another series of tweets, including this expertly photoshopped display of jealousy:




Apparently sharing our thoughts, Uncle Diplo has finally weighed in, sharing this screenshot.



Diplo your face looks like an emoji, and for that, we applaud you.

If Daddy Dip's tight lips indicate anything, it's probably that a line has been drawn under Team Jack's involvement in the most petulant display of douchebaggery this year.

The storm might be over, for now - until Deadmau5 takes a shot at making the world's most controversial pop star credible for 4 minutes and 11 seconds.



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Managing Editor