
SoundOf: PBR Streetgang

One of the strangest-named DJ duos in the UK underground, PBR Streetgang will be in The Box for Doorly and Friends on Saturday 7th February so we thought we'd get them in for an exclusive Spotlight mix and a quick catch up.


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First of all thanks for doing an exclusive mix for us, what did you go for in the mix? Is this a representation of what you play out now or more what you listen to at home?

PBR Streetgang: This was actually recorded live at a festival called Into The Woods in the Netherlands - it was one of our Favourite gigs from last year so we thought we'd share with you to give you a little flavour of what were about when we play out.


For those who may be new to your music, how would you describe your sound?

Ah the worlds toughest question for an artist!Simply, I guess it's anything from disco to techno with a lot of house music in the middle.


How did you first get into music, when did you know you wanted to be a DJ?

Well we've been DJing together over 10 years now and making music for most of that time too.


What have you got coming up on the horizon?

Next month (9th) sees the release of our collaboration with X-Press 2 on Futureboogie. We've been lucky enough to have remixes from Lauer and A Sagittariun. Also some remixes for Luke Solomon and a few others we cant mention just yet!


What can the Ministry of Sound crowd expect from your set at Doorly & Friends on Saturday 7th February?

To paraphrase DJ Harvey, stuff that goes bang bang bang bang and is anywhere from 120BPM to 130BPM. The rest you'll just have to find out on the night, but what ever happens, it will be fun!


You are residents at We Love Space Ibiza, how does DJing to a UK crowd compare to playing for an Ibizan dancefloor?

In some ways there are a lot of similarities, you're playing to a crowd who want to have a good time and dance, but in Ibiza it's intensified. Everyone is on holiday, away from home and their daily lives and all the constraints that brings, so people tend to be less inhibited and even more ready to let go and have a good time.


What is a PBR Streetgang?

I think this is the best description I can find.


What do you think of the state of dance music at the minute?

That's and interesting question,  Dance music in general? To be honest I think it's in pretty rude health. It's a good a good a time as any to be involved in what you are referring to as the bigger umbrella of 'Dance Music'. We could go on here and bitch and moan about EDM and the commercial side of things but frankly that would be bullshit, we have absolutely nothing to do with that part of it and have no real first-hand knowledge or experience of it.

The only thing we can say with any confidence is that the current popularity of dance music in the mainstream will inadvertently feed the 'underground'. It becomes an entry point for lots of new people to this kind of music and many soon delve deeper and find more esoteric forms, which is where they might come into contact with people like us, so thats only a good thing.


Who are the most exciting underground artists that our readers might not have heard of, but who you think will be big names to come?

That's a difficult one to answer as I think people are so much more clued up. We've just had a  guy call Army Of Me do a great remix for us. He's definitely one to watch, very talented.


Who are your biggest influences?

Musically? It's pretty varied from Stevie Wonder, Prince George , Clinton to The Cure and The Clash.


You’ve remixed some big name DJs, is there anyone left on your bucket list that you’d like to remix?

I'm not sure really, with remixes its not like we have a hit list of people we'd like to remix, we just focus on our own music and let people approach us if they like it. So lets see what the future holds!


What do you like to do on your day off, what’s a typical Sunday like for you?

Our Sundays usually involve travelling back from gigs or sometimes in the summer travelling to another one. But the days we do get off, we cook some good food and try and spend it with friends. Not very rock n' roll but you've gotta do normal things now and again.


How do you prepare for a gig?

Our usual preparation starts with an ice bath at 5am then a 10km rum followed by 3 hours yoga meditation.... naaa not really, just A LOT of listening to records, new and old, that we think we might play, until we have a big pile and then whittle that down to a smaller pile, and repeat the process again. We might also make some special edits for that night as well depending on the party.


Who are your dream collaborators, past or present?

There are loads but lets just pick two from each. Past: Larry Levan, Arthur Russell  Present: Jamie Liddell, Steve Reich


Tell us something we don’t know about PBR Streetgang

We like pies... All kinds of pies.


PBR Streetgang will play alongside Cajmere, Doorly and Raf Daddy on Saturday 7th February.


About the author

Managing Editor