Opinion factory and never-ending content well reddit have taken it upon themselves to discuss the worst sets they've ever seen
Before the dust has even settled on the 'reddit users decide what the worst Boiler Room of all time' debacle. There's a whole new controversial comment thread to whip as all up into a frenzy. That's because one reddit user has taken it upon themselves to open the humongous can of worms that is asking r/EDM what the worst live act they've ever seen is. The thread has been live for exactly 1 day now and has already attracted 266 comments, though I'm sure it'll continue to swell for the next couple of days.
So, at the 24 hour mark, here's a quick recap of where r/EDM are at with the worst live sets, spoiler alert: it contains a few of DJ Mag's Top 100 DJs 😮
According to the extremely scientific method of up or down voting, Swedish hairdo, Bass Hunter, is the worst set that anyone on reddit has ever seen. As you can see from the comment above he allegedly played the same song three times and - allegedly - hit on girls over the mic while slurring four times. Far be it for us to say that Bass Hunter seems like the kind of man that would hit on girls over a microphone, so lets focus on the real issue. What song was played three times? Because depending on the song, that could actually be the work of genius.
A rather worrying one here. Apparently Adventure Club were so bad that they put reddit user PucciPanda off not just their music, but going to festivals entirely. Thos are some major shots fired.
Carnage's set may been a far cry from perfection. But buttsmcbutts has truly perfected the reddit user name there. Also the image of "at one point there was no music, just him yelling to hype up the crowd for a couple of minutes..." is a work of literary brilliance.
An uncharacteristically nice sentiment here for Dillon Francis. It's nice to get a reminder every now and then that the whole internet isn't just one big arsehole.
The awkward truth about this one is, that now Kygo is set to perform at the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony in Oslo later this year, he literally is too big for pretty much every venue. I mean he's going to play tropical house at an award that's been won by Nelson Mandela. That's literally insane
Not sure how much I believe a testimony that Pretty Lights was 'doped the fuck out' when it's coming from someone who chosen to identify themselves as "i need coke in my nose".