
As long, dark nights give way to bleak, cold mornings, we've put together our annual Morning After compilation


With tracks designed to climb inside your weary brain and massage out the knots from the night before, this one's for the weekend warriors who need a ready made early morning soothing soundtrack. 

In the meantime, be comforted in knowing that other people are in your predicament all over the world, no less DJs who make a career out of late nights.  

Remember these guys when your eyes feel like they're about to fall out of your brain. 


Found alone on a train most likely in Scotland, Glasgow's finest son Jackmaster turns to old faithful Irn Bru. A move both wise and bold in its motives. 


As Jackmaster turns to Scotland's safer substance, Eliphino contemplates taking the long road to destruction with a bottle of Buckfast. 


Showing everybody up with what looks like the most luxurious hangover breakfast imaginable, Nina Kraviz shows the world that a heavy night should never get in the way of decadence. Boss.

Artwork and friends could probably learn a thing or two from Nina. The worst sort of morning after will always include finding yourself locked out. 


Locked in or locked out, the morning after will forever feel like the whole world's judging you. Quite like this little bastard, as posted by Bicep.


Thanks guys. 


Don't let soundtrack squabbling make your comedown any worse than it already is. Get a copy of The Morning After right here.