Won't someone PLEASE think of the children?
I think it's fair to say that dance music's relationship with social media is complicated at best. On the one hand you've got people like Artwork, DJs Complaining and Wunderground bringing some much needed lols to the scene. But on the other you've got serial shot-firers like DJ Sneak and Deadmau5, and of course the car crash that was Ten Walls, making us wish DJs would just stick to their mixers.
It's rare to find an account that straddles the gulf between genuine hilarity and heinous Twitter troll, but I think I might just have found one. Moms Against Molly is (I assume) a parody account that channels the kind of Reefer Madness soccer mom outrage that accompanied everyone from Eminem to Slipknot in the noughties and applies it to today's EDM scene.
Their timeline is chock full of over the top 'down with this sort of thing' messages about everything from Skrillex's supposed satanic links to a potential British invasion spearheaded by Above & Beyond. As ridiculous as that sounds, their hashtag game is even more on point, with gems like #DeportSiplo, #EvilDevilMusic, #MomAlert and #DontCatchTheClap - which refers to Claptone (of course).
We reached out to Moms Against Molly in an attempt to quiz them on their views and what they hope to achieve, but unfortunately they've yet to get back to us #DontLeaveMeHangingMom.
You can see a selection of their best tweets below and follow their account here.