
This week we have one of Liverpool's finest selectors, Or:la in the mix



Or:la came to our attention a few months back when we came across her Wasted Heroes mix on Facebook. We gave it a play in the office and from the very first track we had a near constant stream people coming over asking what we were playing. It didn't take us long to figure we needed to get her in for a mix and share her on point selections with the world. Have a listen to her SoundOf mix above and have a read of a quick interview with her below and, of course, follow her on SoundCloud  - you'll be glad you did.


Hey Or:la! We've been loving your Soundcloud for a few months now, but for those who aren't familiar, how would you describe your sound?

Or:la: I enjoy a lot of different genres of dance music and music in general so it’s sometimes difficult to pidgeonhole what I would describe as my sound, but a lot of the time it leans towards bass, choppy percussion and break beats. Condensing a collection of tracks into an hour can be hard as the same tempo generally has to be maintained throughout, so in my longer mixes you could expect to hear more Garage and Jungle influenced sounds, although House will always feature within my sets in some way or another.


Where can people come to see you play?

I run a live streamed music event in Liverpool called Meine Nacht where I play every month or so in secret locations. Aside from this I play quite regularly at 24 Kitchen Street where I recently supported Pearson Sound, and I’ve played for a party called Waxxx quite a bit over the past 12 months so you can probably expect to see me play at all of these places in Liverpool in the near future!


What have you got in the pipeline for the rest of year?

At the minute I am studying  Electronic Music Production at SSR in Manchester so that I can get my current productions up to scratch and learn that little bit extra about music production that I couldn’t teach myself. I also have a release on a record label (that I’m a big fan of) coming out in the New Year but have to keep the name quiet until then! In terms of my party, Meine Nacht, we plan to find more unusual places than before to hold our events in and to collaborate with other nights/labels/DJ’s and producers around Liverpool and further afield. Our next party is on the 14th of November and we’ve invited Kornél Kovács over to play in a really special location.


About the author

Managing Editor