
Watch what happens when you drive Skream around London in a peddle powered ravemobile



Last week we teamed up with Eastern Electrics to put a set of decks in a rickshaw and get one of our favourite DJs to play a set from it while we drove him around central London.

We weren't sure how it was going to pan out, but were fairly certain we weren't doing anything really illegal, so figured we'd wing it and see what happened.

After a bumped start that featured a few emergency roadside repairs we were off on a tour around Oxford Street and Soho. We ended up at Skream's old work - outside BBC Radio One, where the security weren't too pleased about the excessive noise levels.

One of our crew of street dancers was Bradley Gunn Raver, who had this to say about his day out in the big smoke:

"I got asked if I could take the day off work to go and rave around London for the day for a mobile disco that Easter Electrics were putting on. Of course it was a no brainier and I sorted that out straight away! I got there for the start and was loving life the whole time. Whilst Skream was providing the sound on a Rickshaw, there was a team of us ravers following and dancing around the streets of London."


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Managing Editor