
Markus Schulz gives us a guided tour of his upcoming open to close set at The Gallery

Markus, Markus, Markus! For an unprecedented sixth occasion from open till close, our beloved international resident will undertake a mammoth six hour session in The Box. That’s Schulz at your service all night long baby. He'll begin proceedings light and melodic before gradually shifting towards the harder depths of ‘Rabbit Hole’ debauchery.

With Markus having attended The Gallery first as a clubber on moving to London, his intricate knowledge here means its these extended sessions where the Coldharbour boss can excel – going solo to corrupt the dance floor into a hot and sticky mess. Any Unicorns in the vicinity better beware, as Markus gives us a personal guide for Friday’s open till close session.


Hour 1: Pryda - "Lillo"

Markus Schulz: I'm a huge admirer of Eric Prydz's work and his tribute to recently deceased fan James Lillo is so beautiful and touching. The melody is so powerful, and it's one of those incredible pieces that you can play early into a journey and make people feel that they are in for a special night.


Hour 2: Cosmic Gate - "Halo"

This is taken from their newly released album Materia, and I think it could go down as one of their best ever productions in their long established history. It has that distinguishable dark Cosmic Gate bassline, but when the break hits and the melody builds, it leads to a fantastic Crescendo.


Hour 3: Markus Schulz feat. Brooke Tomlinson - "In the Night" (4 Strings Remix)

"In the Night" quickly became the biggest fan favourite from my Watch the World album, which is either inspiring or worrying considering its tag as "Markus' Stalker Anthem Number Three"! The 4 Strings boys have been on a brilliant run over the past twelve months, and their sound applies perfectly to the melody and Brooke's vocal. Really looking forward to playing this one!


Hour 4: Dave Neven - "Darkside"

I debuted this at the Transmission festival in Prague a few months ago and it has been one of the biggest tracks in my sets since. It is peak hour Coldharbour, and Dave is quickly carving out a reputation for delivering high quality. People refer to his sound as "darklifting", and that's quite appropriate. It's dark in nature but touches the soul in an uplifting way.


Hour 5: Secret Cinema & Egbert - "Elementen" (Markus Schulz Big Room Reconstruction)

Into the rabbit hole now, where things get weird and twisted, and this is a reconstruction I worked on specifically for my solo sets, although it has sometimes crept in to the peak hours too. Secret Cinema and Egbert are hugely reliable names when it comes to finding excellent techno material, and I felt adding a driving sinister bassline to their original would do wonders for my sets.


Hour 6: Young Parisians Feat. Ben Lost - "Jump The Next Train" (Solarstone Remix)

I started playing this in the final hours / classic portion of my solo sets beginning with my open to close at MOS last year, and it's stayed in the box for those occasions since. After being on the rollercoaster journey of what an open to close solo set entails, it's one of the best ways to lean towards the final notes of the night.