

We know how to make your senses tingle   First, we brought you a 360-degree sonic experience, really giving you the chance to feel the sound as it bounces around over 60 new speakers installed in The Box. Since the success of this brand new surround sound clubbing experience, we want to take your senses one step further. Ministry of Sound is bringing you a clubbing concept that ...

The world famous wasteman is coming to a club night near you   While the celebrity DJ is no new concept - Paris Hilton is now in her fourth year at Amnesia - the fictional character DJ remains relatively untrodden ground. So far the closest we've come are the Kurupt FM lads and Kristian Nairn's Rave of Thrones tour. That is until yesterday, when Matt King announced that one of ...

In our new series, Stars of VHS, we’ll be fishing out premium video gold from the dusty archives of YouTube’s lesser explored corners   Strolling round Kings Cross and its burgeoning outer buildings, you can't help but think that for once, property developers have done something right. It's a serene, cosmopolitan area that combines original architecture with the clientele of th ...

The countdown to summer is on with this smooth mix of sun kissed classics from Viceroy.

Before launching into a debate over whether Diplo is currently a massive hypocrite, a few truths must be established   The first is that M&M’s shelled out a five (+) figure for a music producer to make them a jingle. There’s no dispute there; Zedd has never been a confectionary activist. This is not a passion project, it is one that’s been heavily funded and in turn will be ...

We’ve all seen bad tattoos before, but some of these are simply upsetting   Tattoos: infamous for leading to massive amounts of regret when ill-advisedly inked as a teenager. We’ve heard the horror stories; some of us are the horror stories. Towns like Magaluf and Zante must make a killing tattooing things like ‘House Every Weekend’ or ‘#LADS’ on hordes of pissed up 17-year-old ...

In a new weekly series, we’ll be fishing out premium video gold from the dusty archives of YouTube’s lesser explored corners     We’ll be turning the baggies inside out, scraping out left over debris from the corners, and analysing what remains from mid 90s rave culture. To coincide with the demolishing of Cream’s first home- Nation club in Liverpool- our first video analysis i ...

Tune in to the South West underground with a SoundOf mix from Barny B.

As The BBC air Spike Lee's Michael Jackson documentary, lets examine his influence on dance music   Think back to the pop music scene in the 1970s. Doesn’t matter if you weren’t alive, just picture John Travolta before he got fat in a set of white flares with falsetto backing vocals. Looks fun right? The disco era was nothing if not fun and at the heart of the disco movement we ...

For once this isn't an article on the miserable outlook of nightlife in the UK.   You wait years for no good news, and just like buses, loads turns up at once. Well, maybe not 'loads' but enough to feel like a small oasis has been found in a desert of club closures, license changes and hiking door prices. The government has spoken, the trade unions have reached an agreement, an ...